Adapting to a New Culture | NorthWest Arkansas Community College

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Embarking on a study abroad journey is an enriching experience that opens doors to cross-cultural understanding, academic growth, and personal development. However, in an era increasingly conscious of environmental impact, the traditional model of study abroad programs often raises concerns about sustainability. This is something at the top of our minds while planning programs. NWACC is committed to honoring authentic local cultures, and working with local partners on the ground in each destination allows us to support environmental efforts from an informed perspective that supports the local ecology. We invite students into the conversation about sustainable study abroad, and we offer these suggestions on how to ensure your program is environmentally conscientious and as sustainable as possible.
  1. Pack a reusable water bottle, cup, or mug.
  2. Take short showers.
  3. Turn off AC/heat and electronics when you leave your room.
  4. Research recycling guidelines for your study abroad destination
  5. Shop local! Support businesses, artists, and restaurants within the communities you study.
  6. Research and adopt local cultural norms and practices regarding sustainability, such as local ways to conserve water and air-drying clothes.
  7. Consider offsetting the carbon impact of your travel.