Featured News | NorthWest Arkansas Community College

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Why Community College May Be A Better Alternative Than Gap Year During COVID-19

May 20, 2020

Due to COVID-19, many graduating high school seniors are hesitant to attend college and are considering a gap year, but a gap year during a pandemic may no longer look the same. Visit our blog to learn why attending a community college may be a better alternative.

30 Creative Ways to Spend Your Free Time During COVID-19

March 24, 2020

As we continue to safely social distance during the COVID-19 pandemic, the NWACC Counseling & Wellness Center has compiled a list of creative ways to spend some of your newfound free time.

Staying Emotionally Well During COVID-19

March 19, 2020

Many of us may be experiencing some emotional discomfort given the spread of COVID-19 and the disruption to our lives. The situation is new and unpredictable! And NWACC’s precautionary move to remote learning represents a major change for us all. Follow these tips to stay emotionally well during these times.

First Generation Student Shares Her Experience at NorthWest Arkansas Community College

February 25, 2020

First generation student, Shonna, shares the struggles she overcame when deciding to pursue college and an associate degree in creative writing, and how NWACC's faculty and students have made her feel like she belongs.

Student Keeps Free Feminine Hygiene Products Initiative Flowing

January 23, 2020

Full-time, first generation NWACC student and mother, Ronnie Nichols, has taken on a new initiative on campus – free feminine hygiene products or what she likes to call, menstrual equality.

Science Teacher Returns to School to Become a Nurse

December 02, 2019

As a previous science teacher, NWACC student Kim Kelley is enjoying her time back in college and increasing her knowledge in healthcare. She plans to serve others as a nurse and help them navigate challenging health issues. She’d like to focus specifically on women’s health and wellness through childbearing years.

NWACC is Designed to Serve the Northwest Arkansas Community

November 12, 2019

With community growth comes economic gain, an increase in job opportunities, new infrastructure, buildings and amenities, as well as improved healthcare, all resulting in a better quality of life. NWACC plays a key role in the various initiatives that continue to make NWA the best places to live in the U.S.

Student Plans to Help Addicts Through Education and Shared Experiences

November 07, 2019

NWACC student and psychology major, Ashley, has first-hand experience with opiate and meth addiction and its consequences, but also with finding strength in religion to overcome addiction and making peace with herself and others. Learn more about Ashley on our blog.

Exalumno de NWACC Construye una Carrera en la Construcción

October 31, 2019

Hay una gran demanda para los técnicos de la construcción y NWACC está llenando el mercado laboral, proporcionando a la próxima oleada de trabajadores calificados un camino educativo asequible para entrar en el campo y maximizar sus oportunidades profesionales.

Integrated Design Lab Grand Opening

September 30, 2019

In September of 2019, NWACC held a grand opening event for the Integrated Design Lab (IDL) on the Bentonville campus and invited college and community members to join in the memorable celebration. Learn more on our blog.